Archive for Early Sketches

“Is this the Petting Zoo?”

OH no! I lost the writing that went with this post.  It was about living in the present.  I gotta go now…Next time.

Ireland the Journey Begins


I first began sketching in July of 2010.   Equipped with a sketched and some General’s Charcoal pencils that I bought as a set for less than $ 3.00 from Big Lots, I had no idea the fire I was about to light.   

At the Modern Irish Art Museum I was inspired by an 3 paneled Ink painting.  It’s many perspectives kept me mesmerized.   I spent hours going through the museum witha new appreciation for the artists and  even more for fine art



Road down to the beachRoad traveling down to the Beach Here is an example of one of my drawings that someone insists is upside-down.  
Spectators from another perspective



First Watercolor Sketches January 2010

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Motion Sketches Quick Draw

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January 2011 Theater performance of Screwtape Letters, Ducks Hocky Game

A note from the artist (update)


I began keeping a Sketch journal in 2010, while traveling in Ireland. The mystic of sitting behind a sketch pad had its own thrill but nothing compared to the rush I got as I watched my drawings reveal themselves. Since that discovery, I traded in journals for sketchbooks, and take them everywhere.

Thank you for stopping by. It is a pleasure to share my sketchbooks.

Each sketch/journal represents a journey for me. You may see glimpses of devotional writing, prayer journaling or other notes on some of my pages. I am ok with that because the truth is I written words are relatively safe because words are filtered through my thoughts. My sketches on the other hand, have no such filter and represent a greater risk in sharing.

But sharing this art is worth the risk!

The drawings (sometimes the most random and aesthetically dull) have given encouragement and spiritual revelation to many. I have found that drawings I have sketched during times of worship, study and meditation can be a great source of encouragement and affirmation. The truths they have revealed to those in need is such a blessing!

Powerful! “Prophetic Art”? Why not? It is beyond me how someone can look at one of my drawings, turn it sideways or upside-down and find their own personal answers.  One person who was blessed by one of my sketches told me.  “God is funny, it’s like He (God) was saying ‘ you get it Here, let me draw you a picture!'”

This journey continued into fine art. You can view my Gallery and read about my journey as a fine artist at

I pray you are blessed by something you see on my web sites. I appreciate your feedback.

Blessings to you,

If you are interested in knowing more about the artist and her journey visit worship inspired art