Archive for Worship Inspired Sketches










“Is this the Petting Zoo?”

OH no! I lost the writing that went with this post.  It was about living in the present.  I gotta go now…Next time.

September Sketches

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click on Waiting for the train to see commentary



Worship Inspired Sketches

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A note from the artist (update)


I began keeping a Sketch journal in 2010, while traveling in Ireland. The mystic of sitting behind a sketch pad had its own thrill but nothing compared to the rush I got as I watched my drawings reveal themselves. Since that discovery, I traded in journals for sketchbooks, and take them everywhere.

Thank you for stopping by. It is a pleasure to share my sketchbooks.

Each sketch/journal represents a journey for me. You may see glimpses of devotional writing, prayer journaling or other notes on some of my pages. I am ok with that because the truth is I written words are relatively safe because words are filtered through my thoughts. My sketches on the other hand, have no such filter and represent a greater risk in sharing.

But sharing this art is worth the risk!

The drawings (sometimes the most random and aesthetically dull) have given encouragement and spiritual revelation to many. I have found that drawings I have sketched during times of worship, study and meditation can be a great source of encouragement and affirmation. The truths they have revealed to those in need is such a blessing!

Powerful! “Prophetic Art”? Why not? It is beyond me how someone can look at one of my drawings, turn it sideways or upside-down and find their own personal answers.  One person who was blessed by one of my sketches told me.  “God is funny, it’s like He (God) was saying ‘ you get it Here, let me draw you a picture!'”

This journey continued into fine art. You can view my Gallery and read about my journey as a fine artist at

I pray you are blessed by something you see on my web sites. I appreciate your feedback.

Blessings to you,

If you are interested in knowing more about the artist and her journey visit worship inspired art